Talent recruitment

  • Production staff

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  section  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-23
  • Service engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionDepartmental production center  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-23
  • Hardware development engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionProduction center  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-04
  • Metal materials research and development engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionProduction center  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-04
  • R&d engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionProduction center  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-04
  • Algorithm engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionProduction center  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-11-04
  • Optical engineer

    Work place:Yuhua District, Changsha City  |  sectionYuhua District, Changsha City  |  full-time

    View details Publish in:2023-10-31

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