Good news! Comaison Honored Jinxia's High-quality Development "Honor List"

Author:Hunan Comaisen Medical Technology Co., LTD  Time:2023-02-28


Warm sun in the sky, the golden glow. On February 27, Jinxia Economic Development Zone held a high-quality development conference, and commended a number of enterprises with outstanding contributions, rapid growth and innovative progress. Hunan Comaisen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. won the "Honor List" of Innovation and Progress Award. This list is not only a high affirmation of Comaison by the leaders of Jinxia economic development Zone, but also confirms Comaison's strong strength in the field of innovation and development.

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Jinxia economic development zone high-quality development conference site

It is reported that the "Innovation Progress Award" is a comprehensive evaluation of economic benefits, scientific and technological achievements, and innovation honors for 2022 district-level contributions of more than 200,000 yuan, science and technology awards above the provincial level, patent awards, specialized and special new "little giants", individual champions, intelligent manufacturing demonstration enterprises (workshops), "opening list", provincial governor quality nomination award, provincial leading enterprises, etc. No more than 10 companies will be selected.

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Comaison won the "Innovation and Progress Award" of the Year 2022

As a rapidly growing full-link endoscopic supplier, professional gynecological endoscopic equipment and consumables supplier, Comaisen knows that the basic characteristics of high-tech medical equipment are intelligent, digital and computerized, and it is the crystallization of modern high technology in multi-disciplines and cross-fields. At the beginning of its establishment, it has established the technical route of applying the world's leading hysteroscopy AI technology to the medical field. At the same time, according to the layout of "production, learning and research", it actively carries out training work in the national primary medical team to promote the integration and clinical application of artificial intelligence, innovative technology products and high-tech products in the field of gynecology diagnosis and treatment. Promote the digital transformation and upgrading of the medical device industry.

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The Party and the state attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation, Komaison as a national high-tech enterprise will follow the policy, do a good job of innovation, to revitalize the domestic medical device industry as its own responsibility, to continuous technological innovation as the driving force for development, give full play to the "honor list" of innovative enterprises to drive traction and demonstration leading role, drive the development of industrial clusters, help Jinxia New City construction.
