Conference news | The Seventh Session of the Exploration of the Future Development of Hysteroscopy and Hysteroscopy Hand in Hand Training Course (Xining Station)

Author:Hunan Comaisen Medical Technology Co., LTD  Time:2023-06-04


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The green shade is thick and summer is long, and the sound of Xining Plateau is singing. On June 3, the "Seventh session of Exploring the Road to the future Development of hysteroscopy and the hysteroscopy Hand in Hand Training Class", sponsored by the Gynecological Intelligent Diagnosis and Treatment Branch of the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association and undertaken by Qinghai Red Cross Hospital, was successfully held in Xining, Qinghai Province. The conference aims to improve the level of intelligent diagnosis and treatment in the field of gynecology, integrate the research of scientific researchers from health industry enterprises and medical institutions, and promote the integration and clinical application of artificial intelligence, innovative technology products and high-tech products in the field of gynecology diagnosis and treatment.

Opening ceremony

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Academic exchange

Professor Xu Dabao from the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University introduced the clinical application of hysteroscopic cold knife treatment at the meeting. Hysteroscopic cold knife technology is safer without the risk of electrical and thermal damage; Better protection of endometrium; Removing the fibroids is cleaner and reduces the chance of uterine perforation.

True knowledge comes from practice, and Professor Xu then brought four wonderful surgical demonstrations: hysteroscopy under the cold knife, that is, diagnosis and treatment. One of the first operations was a 36-year-old amenorrhea for one year, and it was found that the uterine cavity of the patient with semilunar adhesions was atypical endometrial hyperplasia. With the assistance of ultrasound, Professor Xu cleared the lesion for the patient and placed a uterine stent to prevent postoperative readhesiveness through superb skills such as under the microscope distraction method and lateral swing method. Professor Xu's operation is fine and standard, and the operation is very smooth, and the online audience is greatly satisfied.


Professor Zhu Tianyuan of Gansu Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital shared the procedure of hysteroscopic day surgery. Combining her personal experience, from top-level design to nursing and then to medical treatment, Professor Zhu introduced in detail the process of day hysteroscopy surgery in her team, providing valuable experience for doctors in other hospitals, making the process of day hysteroscopy surgery more complete, efficient and safe.

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Professor Liu Dan, General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, shared the practical problems of endometrial cancer FST management and intrauterine adhesion. Professor Liu pointed out that due to some social factors, the number of young women with endometrial cancer gradually increased, how to protect female fertility under the premise of diagnosis and treatment, has become the crux of gynecological clinical medicine. Subsequently, through a typical case of a patient with intrauterine adhesions, combined with domestic and foreign literature research, Professor Liu provided the corresponding clinical enlightenment and guidance.

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Professor Ma Junqi from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University shared the comprehensive management of patients with uterine adhesions. At the meeting, Professor Ma outlined the causes and clinical manifestations of intrauterine adhesions, and mentioned the methods to prevent re-adhesions: from the previous placement of Iuds, to the placement of balloons, and to the current placement of uterine stents, uterine stents will be the main choice for doctors and patients treating uterine adhesions in the future. Uterine stent not only dilates the uterine cavity, reduces the chance of adhesions again, but also shortens the time of the second hysteroscopic operation, and also saves the operation cost for the patient.


Professor Wang Lihong of Qinghai Red Cross Hospital shared the topic of hysteroscopic surgery. Professor Wang mentioned that from the understanding of the development history of hysteroscopy for more than 100 years, with the development and continuous progress of science and technology, it has now reached the era of cold knife, that is, no energy equipment. For the use of cold knives, we must understand it and use it; The treatment of intrauterine diseases should be based on the gold standard to achieve individualized treatment; Uphold the concept of minimally invasive, to achieve immediate diagnosis and treatment.未标题-2.jpg

Hand-in-hand training

At the end of the conference, many experts and scholars fully experienced the performance and convenient operation of Comaison hysteroscopy products, and gave a high degree of recognition to their convenience and efficiency in clinical use. Comaisen will also continue to gather the wisdom of the people, do the manufacturing of the people, especially to contribute to the development of obstetrics and gynecology medicine.
