Warm sun in the sky, the golden glow. On February 27, Jinxia Economic Development Zone held a high-quality development conference, and commended a number of enterprises with outstanding contributions, rapid growth and innovative progress. Hunan Comaisen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. won the "Honor List" of Innovation and Progress Award. The list is both Jin Xia Jing open district leaders to Comaison
In recent years, hysteroscopy technology has been more and more rapid development and more widespread application in clinical practice, and the use of hysteroscopy for examination and treatment has become a common means in gynecology. Hunan Comaisen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. as the country's first intrauterine integrated mirror manufacturer, its research and development production of hysteroscopy to achieve diagnosis and treatment
Explore the future development of hysteroscopy Hunan Comaison Medical Technology Co., LTD. In 2022, Comaison's "Explore the future development of hysteroscopy" series of conferences were successfully held for a total of eight sessions, which was recognized by many experts and scholars in the industry, won the market brand reputation in the field of gynecology, and has formed a brand with Comaison genes
Small horizons Unlimited future efforts to protect the fertility rate. Leading gynecological micro innovation standard Comaison Medical -- full link endoscopic supplier, professional gynecological endoscopic equipment and consumables supplier Comaison Changsha Headquarters Hunan Comaison Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in optical diagnosis and treatment, 4K medical
The year is changing, Hua Zhangxin on the occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the new Comaison 2023 Annual Meeting was successfully held in the fleeting time we stand together through thick and thin, with sweat, joy, adherence, and breakthroughs together through 2022. We insisted, paid, dedicated and most importantly, we also harvested our farewell here full of challenges···
More 2024年06月29日在科技创新驱动发展的时代背景下,医疗行业正迎来前所未有的合作与共赢机遇。2024年5月29日上午,长春金赛药业女性健康子公司长春金妍迪科生物医药科技有限公司与湖···
More 2024年06月03日4月28日,由河北医科大学第四医院妇科在石家庄承办的2024年燕赵论坛和太行论坛圆满结束,业内精英齐聚一堂,共议妇科微创技术未来发展。手术演示环节两大会场同步手术演示拉开大会序幕。河北医科大学第四医院···
More 2024年04月30日由中国妇幼保健协会宫内疾病防治专业委员会主办、中国妇幼保健协会宫内疾病防治专业委员会承办的“第三届宫内疾病防治新进展学术论坛暨宫腔镜技术手拉手培训班”于2023年10月29日完美落幕。本次会议通过手术···
More 2023-10-31“第三届宫内疾病防治新进展学术论坛暨宫腔镜技术手拉手培训班”定于2023年10月27日-29日以线上直播的形式召开。该会议由中国妇幼保健协会宫内疾病防治专业委员会主办、中国妇幼保健协会宫内疾病防治专业···
More 2023-10-08助力全球研发中心城市建设,助推长沙高质量发展,9月13日,日本工程院院士钟宁、中国知识产权运营联盟副理事长兼秘书长彭支援、长沙市科协党组书记郭瑞、开福区人民政府副区长邹畅等领导一行莅临我司调研考察并指···
More 2023-09-15盛夏兰州风景如画,群贤毕至高朋云集。由中国医师协会、中国医师协会妇产科医师分会主办,甘肃省医师协会妇产科医师分会、兰州大学第一医院承办的“2023中国医师协会妇产科医师大会”在兰州如期召开。伴随着《歌···
More 2023-07-31为进一步加强妇产科学科建设的发展、提高全市妇产科学专业的诊治水平,7 月 15 日,长沙市医学会第六届妇产科学专业委员会换届选举大会暨学术交流会,在人文荟萃的楚汉名城长沙顺利召开。此次大会由长沙市医学···
More 2023-07-17骄阳似火,百舸争流。7月8日至9日,为推动尿路结石微创治疗策略,2023年中南大学湘雅二医院第八届泌尿结石与微创高峰论坛暨第四届湘桂泌尿外科论坛在湖南长沙成功举办。本次大会为大家展现了精湛的手术技术和···
More 2023-07-10四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖。由山东省医学会、山东省医学会计划生育分会主办的“山东省医学会第十次计划生育学术会议暨国家继续教育项目全国子宫瘢痕妊娠热点问题学习班”于6月30日至7月2日在泉城济南顺利···
More 2023-07-046月9日至11日,第八届妇科热点问题湘雅论坛在长沙市世纪金源大饭店成功举办。本次大会期间,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院狄文教授、美国内华达大学医学院Peter Lim教授、首都医科大学附属北京天坛医···
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